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We don´t do it!

Use of conflict minerals in products

Statement of Werner Dorsch GmbH with reference to Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection

Act ( Dodd-Frank Act )

The Dodd-Frank Act refers in particular to tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold and their derivatives, mined in conflict areas, such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo and neighboring countries. Furthermore, it aims, among other things, to restrict or prevent trade in these substances, which originate from conflict areas. Although Werner Dorsch GmbH is not subject to the reporting requirements of the Dodd-Frank-Act, we are aware of the importance and significance of this regulation. We take our social responsibility regarding the environment, safety, health and human rights seriously and understand that our practices in business have an impact on society and the environment.

Conflict minerals are difficult to trace within the supply chain. Therefore, Werner Dorsch GmbH operates in accordance with the Responsible Minerals Initiative and relies on assistance to comply with SEC reporting requirements regarding conflict minerals. Furthermore, Werner Dorsch GmbH refuses to use smelters or refiners from conflict affected and high risk areas (CAHRAs > "conflict affected and high risk areas") as defined by the RMI and as reported by relevant suppliers in our supply chain. We ourselves do not directly import minerals or so-called conflict minerals. As a medium-sized company, we work, within the scope of our possibilities, together with our suppliers and our environmental law firm to establish the necessary transparency of the suppliers in the supply chain, which allows us to provide reliable information to our customers. Should we nevertheless take notice of the use of these minerals, we will immediately initiate countermeasures, demand the immediate replacement of these conflict minerals and ultimately terminate the business relationship with the supplier.

We will be happy to send you this declaration on request or you can use the download link enclosed:              


Andreas Schwarz (Managing Di

rector) Xujiao Zhang (Purchasing Manager)

Thomas Huber (Quality Representative)

Werner Dorsch GmbH